Apologetics to the Glory of God

Please pray for the debate, "Is there good reason to believe that the Christian God exists?"

Is there good reason to believe that the Christian God exists?


Lord willing I will soon be debating Michael Long of Goodness Over God. Michael holds both a B.A. and an M.A. in Philosophy. His full biography will be provided at the time of the debate. Michael is extremely knowledgeable about apologetics and is an articulate defender of the atheist position.

This will be a Skype debate. The Moderator is Brian Knapp. The plans are to make the debate recording available for free download on the Choosing Hats website at https://choosinghats.org and it may be posted as well on the Goodness Over God website at http://goodnessovergod.blogspot.com. To my knowledge, the debate will not be Live Streamed, though readers should pay attention to Goodness Over God and Sunday Morning Blogs for any potential updates on that.

Please be in prayer for all of the debate participants and for the debate itself. Pray specifically for me that I may exhibit humility in both my preparation for and conduct during the debate and that Christ Jesus may be exalted.



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